Giuditta Antonio

Nato a Catanzaro il 19 marzo 1932; diploma di maturità classica nel 1949.
Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia con 110 e lode (1955, Università di Napoli “Federico II”), ha iniziato la sua carriera di biologo alla Stazione Zoologica (Napoli), e successivamente al Ford Institute for Medical Research (Detroit, MI, USA), all’Albert Einstein College of Medicine (New York, NY, USA) e all’Istituto di Fisiologia Umana (Università di Ferrara).
Nel 1962 ha contribuito alla fondazione del Laboratorio Internazionale di Genetica e Biofisica di Napoli (direttore, prof. Adriano Buzzati Traverso); dal 1962 al 1987 ha diretto nello stesso istituto il gruppo di Neurobiologia molecolare, prima come ricercatore e poi come direttore di ricerca CNR.
Dal 1980 è professore di Fisiologia generale (Università di Perugia per un anno e poi Università “Federico II” di Napoli).
Dal 1966 frequenta nei mesi estivi il Marine Biological Laboratory di Woods Hole (MA, USA) dove dirige un laboratorio di ricerca.
Ha pubblicato 180 lavori, in gran parte di argomento neurobiologico, su riviste scientifiche di lingua inglese.
Ha curato la pubblicazione di tre volumi: – Role of RNA and DNA in Brain Function: A Molecular Biological Approach (1986); – Apprendimento e Memoria (1993), – The Function of Sleep (1995).
I suoi interessi di ricerca riguardano il sistema locale di espressione genica nell’assone e nelle terminazioni nervose, il ruolo del sonno nell’elaborazione delle memorie e il ruolo del DNA cerebrale nell’apprendimento e nel sonno.
E’ segretario dell’Accademia di Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli.

1. A.E. Gioio, Z. Scotto Lavina, D. Jurkovicova, M. Eyman, A. Giuditta, and B. B. Kaplan. Nerve terminals of squid photoreceptor neurons contain a heterogeneous population of mRNAs and translate a transfected reporter mRNA. Eur.J.Neurosci. 20:865-872, 2004.
2. M.Eyman, M. Crispino, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Squid photoreceptor terminals synthesize calexcitin, a learning related protein. Neurosci.Lett. 347:21-24, 2003.
3. A.Giuditta, P. Mandile, P. Montagnese, S. Piscopo, and S. Vescia. The role of sleep in memory processing: the sequential hypothesis. In: Sleep and brain plasticity, edited by P Maquet, C Smith, and R Stickgold,Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 157-178.
4. P.Mandile, A. Giuditta, F. Romano, P. Montagnese, S. Piscopo, M. Cotugno, and S. Vescia. Waking EEG power spectra in the rat: correlations with training performance. Cognitive Brain Research 17:94-105, 2003.
5. A.Giuditta, M. Eyman, and B. B. Kaplan. Gene expression in the squid giant axon: neurotransmitter modulation of RNA transfer from periaxonal glia to the axon. Biol.Bull. 203:189-190, 2002.
6. A.Giuditta, B. B. Kaplan, J. van Minnen, J. Alvarez, and E. Koenig. Axonal and presynaptic protein synthesis: new insights into the biology of the neuron. Trends Neurosci. 25:400-404, 2002.
7. A.Giuditta. Vita e morte: considerazioni di un biologo. Riv.Biol. 95:505-515, 2002.
8. G.Grassi Zucconi, M. Semprevivo, M. A. Laurenzi, and A. Giuditta. Sleep impairment by diethyldithiocarbamate in rat. Protective effects of pre-conditioning and antioxidants. Brain Res. 939:87-94, 2002.
9. G.Grassi Zucconi and A. Giuditta. Is it only neurogenesis? Rev.Neurosci. 13:375-382, 2002.
10. C.J. Jimenez, M. Eyman, Z. Scotto Lavina, A. E. Gioio, K. W. Li, R. van den Schors, W. P. M. Geraerts, A. Giuditta, B. B. Kaplan, and J. van Minnen. Protein synthesis in synaptosomes: a proteomic analysis. J.Neurochem. 81:735-744, 2002.
11. M.V. Ambrosini and A. Giuditta. Learning and sleep: the sequential hypothesis. Sleep Medicine Reviews 5:477-490, 2001.
12. M.Crispino, C. Perrone Capano, A. Aiello, E. Iannetti, A. Cupello, and A. Giuditta. Messenger RNAs in synaptosomal fractions from rat brain. Mol.Brain Res. 97:171-176, 2001.
13. A.E. Gioio, M. Eyman, H. Zhang, Z. Scotto Lavina, A. Giuditta, and B. B. Kaplan. Local synthesis of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins in the presynaptic nerve terminal. J.Neurosc.Res. 64 (5):447-453, 2001.
14. S.Piscopo, P. Mandile, P. Montagnese, M. Cotugno, A. Giuditta, and S. Vescia. Trains of sleep sequences are indices of learning capacity in rats. Behav.Brain Res. 120:13-21, 2001.
15. S.Piscopo, P. Mandile, P. Montagnese, M. Cotugno, A. Giuditta, and S. Vescia. Identification of trains of sleep sequences in adult rats. Behav.Brain Res. 119:93-101, 2001.
16. J.Alvarez, A. Giuditta, and E. Koenig. Protein synthesis in axons and terminals: significance for maintenance, plasticity and regulation of phenotype. With a critique of slow transport theory. Progress in Neurobiology 62:1-62, 2000.
17. P.Mandile, S. Vescia, P. Montagnese, S. Piscopo, M. Cotugno, and A. Giuditta. Post-trial sleep sequences including transition sleep are involved in avoidance learning of adult rats. Behav.Brain Res. 112:23-31, 2000.
18. M.V. Ambrosini, G. Mariucci, M. Tantucci, G. Bruschelli, and A. Giuditta. Induction of cerebellar hsp72 in rats learning a two-way active avoidance task. Brain Res. 70:164-166, 1999.
19. J.C. Benech, M. Crispino, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Protein synthesis in presynaptic endings from squid brain: modulation by calcium ions. J.Neurosci.Res. 55:776-781, 1999.
20. E.Koenig and A. Giuditta. Protein synthesizing machinery in the axon compartment. Neurosc. 89:5-15, 1999.
21. C.Perrone Capano, M. Crispino, E. Menichini, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Ribosomal RNAs synthesized by isolated squid nerves and ganglia differ from native ribosomal RNAs. J.Neurochem. 72:910-918, 1999.
22. J.R. Sotelo, A. Kun, J. C. Benech, A. Giuditta, J. Morillas, and C. R. Benech. Ribosomes and polyribosomes are present in the squid giant axon: an immunocytochemical study. Neurosc. 90:705-715, 1999.
23. A.Giuditta, P. Mandile, and S. Vescia. Memory processing during sleep: the sequential hypothesis. In: Macromolecular Interplay in Brain Associative Mechanisms, edited by A. Neugebauer, Singapore: World Scientific, 1998, p. 257-262.
24. R.Martin, B. Vaida, R. Bleher, M. Crispino, and A. Giuditta. Protein synthesizing units in presynaptic and postsynaptic domains of squid neurons. J.Cell Sci. 111:3157-3166, 1998.
25. M.V. Ambrosini, G. Bruschelli, G. Mariucci, P. Mandile, and A. Giuditta. Post-trial sleep in old rats trained for a two-way active avoidance task. Physiol.Behav. 62 (4):773-778, 1997.
26. J.C. Benech, M. Crispino, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Protein synthesis in presynaptic endings of squid brain: regulation by Ca2+. In: Calcium and Cellular Metabolism: Transport and Regulation, edited by J. R. Sotelo and J. C. Benech, New York:Plenum, 1997, p. 155-162.
27. J.T. Chun, A. E. Gioio, M. Crispino, M. Eyman, A. Giuditta, and B. B. Kaplan. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel mRNA present in the squid giant axon. J.Neurosci.Res. 49:144-153, 1997.
28. M.Crispino, B. B. Kaplan, R. Martin, J. Alvarez, J. T. Chun, and A. Giuditta. Active polysomes are present in the large presynaptic endings of the synaptosomal fraction from squid brain. J.Neurosci. 17 (20):7694-7702, 1997.
29. M.Crispino, R. Martin, J. Benech, J. Alvarez, and B. B. Kaplan. Protein synthesis in brain presynaptic endings. In: Neurochemistry: Cellular, Molecular and Clinical Aspects, edited by A. Teelken and J. Korf, London:Plenum Press, 1997, p. 643-646.
30. A.De Luca and A. Giuditta. Role of a transcription factor (CREB) in memory processes. Rivista di Biologia 90:371-384, 1997.
31. A.Giuditta, M. Crispino, and C. Perrone Capano. Local protein synthesis in the squid giant axon and presynaptic terminals. In: Calcium and Cellular Metabolism: Transport and Regulation, edited by J. R. Sotelo and J. C. Benech, New York:Plenum Press, 1997, p. 143-153.
32. A.Giuditta, M. Crispino, and C. Perrone Capano. Gene expression in axons and nerve endings. In: Neurochemistry: Cellular, Molecular and Clinical Aspects, edited by A. Teelken and J. Korf, London:Plenum Press, 1997, p. 637-641.
33. J.C. Benech, M. Crispino, R. Martin, J. Alvarez, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Protein synthesis in the presynaptic endings of the squid photoreceptor neuron: in vitro and in vivo modulation. Biol.Bull. 191:263-263, 1996.
34. J.T. Chun, A. E. Gioio, M. Crispino, A. Giuditta, and B. B. Kaplan. Differential compartmentalization of mRNAs in squid giant axon. J.Neurochem. 67:1806-1812, 1996.
35. M.Cotugno, P. Mandile, D. D’Angiolillo, P. Montagnese, and A. Giuditta. Implantation of an EEG telemetric transmitter in the rat. Ital.J.Neurol.Sci. 17:131-134, 1996.
36. P.Mandile, S. Vescia, P. Montagnese, F. Romano, and A. Giuditta. Characterization of transition sleep episodes in baseline EEG recordings of adult rats. Physiol.Behav. 60:1435-1439, 1996.
37. S.Vescia, P. Mandile, P. Montagnese, F. Romano, G. Cataldo, M. Cotugno, and A. Giuditta. Baseline transition sleep and associated sleep episodes are related to the learning ability of rats. Physiol.Behav. 60:1513-1525, 1996.
38. M.V. Ambrosini, G. Mariucci, G. Bruschelli, L. Colarieti, and A. Giuditta. Sequential hypothesis of sleep function. V. Lengthening of post- trial SS episodes in reminiscent rats. Physiol.Behav. 58:1043-1049, 1995.
39. J.T. Chun, A. E. Gioio, M. Crispino, A. Giuditta, and B. B. Kaplan. Characterization of squid enolase mRNA: sequence analysis, tissue distribution, and axonal localization. Neurochem.Res. 20:923-930, 1995.
40. A.Giuditta, M. V. Ambrosini, P. Montagnese, P. Mandile, M. Cotugno, G. Grassi Zucconi, and S. Vescia. The sequential hypothesis of the function of sleep. Behav.Brain Res. 69:157-166, 1995.
41. M. Papa, M. P. Pellicano, A. Cerbone, C. Lamberti-D’Mello, T. Menna, C. Buono, A.Giuditta, H. Welzi, and A. G. Sadile. Immediate early genes and brain DNA remodeling in the Naples High and Low-excitability rat lines following exposure to a spatial novelty. Brain Res.Bull. 37:111-118, 1995.
42. A.G. Sadile, A. Neugebauer, T. Gessi, S. Marchionni, and A. Giuditta. Brain RNA synthesis, long-term potentiation and depression at the perforant path-granule cell synapse in the guinea pig. Brain Res.Bull. 36:515-526, 1995.
43. A.G. Sadile, A. Neugebauer, and A. Giuditta. Unscheduled Brain DNA synthesis, long-term potentiation, and depression at the perforant path-granule cell synapse in the rat. Brain Res.Bull. 36:333-341, 1995.
44. A.G. Sadile, A. Cerbone, C. Lamberti-D’Mello, S. Amoroso, L. Annunziato, T. Menna, C. Buono, F. Rafti, and A. Giuditta. The dorsal noradrenergic bundle modulates DNA remodeling in the rat brain upon exposure to a spatial novelty. Brain Res.Bull. 37:9-16, 1995.
45. A.G. Sadile, C. Lamberti-D’Mello, A. Cerbone, S. Amoroso, L. Annunziato, T. Menna, C. Buono, and A. Giuditta. Adrenergic receptor systems and unscheduled DNA synthesis in the rat brain. Brain Res.Bull. 37:139-148, 1995.
46. M.V. Ambrosini, C. Gambelunghe, G. Mariucci, G. Bruschelli, M. Adami, and A. Giuditta. Sleep-wake variables and EEG power spectra in mongolian gerbils and Wistar rats. Physiol.Behav. 56:963-968, 1994.
47. J.Benech, M. Crispino, J. T. Chun, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Protein synthesis in nerve endings from squid brain: modulation by calcium ions. Biol.Bull. 187:269-269, 1994.
48. M.Crispino, C. Perrone Capano, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Squid optic lobe synaptosomes: what can they tell us about presynaptic protein synthesis? J.Neurochem. 63:387-389, 1994.
49. A.E. Gioio, J. T. Chun, M. Crispino, C. P. Capano, A. Giuditta, and B. B. Kaplan. Kinesin mRNA is present in the squid giant axon. J.Neurochem. 63:13-18, 1994.
50. A.Giuditta. NADPH dehydrogenase/NOS revisited. Trends Neurosci. 17:516-516, 1994.
51. G.Grassi Zucconi, A. Giuditta, P. Mandile, S. Chen, S. Vescia, and M. Bentivoglio. c-fos spontaneous expression during wakefulness is reversed during sleep in neuronal subsets of the rat cortex. J.Physiol.Paris. 88:91-93, 1994.
52. M.V. Ambrosini, G. Mariucci, L. Colarieti, G. Bruschelli, C. Carobi, and A. Giuditta. The structure of sleep is related to the learning ability of rats. Eur.J.Neurosci. 5:269-275, 1993.
53. M.Crispino, C. P. Capano, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Neurofilament proteins are synthesized in nerve endings from squid brain. J.Neurochem. 61:1144-1146, 1993.
54. M.Crispino, E. Castigli, C. Perrone Capano, R. Martin, E. Menichini, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Protein synthesis in a synaptosomal fraction from squid brain. Mol.Cell.Neurosci. 4:366-374, 1993.
55. A.Giuditta. Espressione genica nell’apprendimento. In: Apprendimento e memoria, edited by A. Giuditta, Milano:Pythagora Press, 1993, p. 35-47.
56. P.Montagnese, P. Mandile, S. Vescia, A. G. Sadile, and A. Giuditta. Long-term habituation to spatial novelty modifies post-trial synchronized sleep in rats. Brain Res.Bull. 32:503-508, 1993.
57. C.Perrone Capano, A. Giuditta, and M. Crispino. Sintesi proteica in territorio assonale: un nuovo aspetto della plasticità neuronale. In: Apprendimento e memoria, edited by A. Giuditta, Milano:Pythagora Press, 1993, p. 141-159.
58. M.V. Ambrosini, M. Langella, U. A. Gironi Carnevale, and A. Giuditta. The sequential hypothesis on sleep function. III. The structure of post-acquisition sleep in learning and non learning rats. Physiol.Behav. 51:217-226, 1992.
59. B.B. Kaplan, A. E. Gioio, C. Perrone Capano, M. Crispino, and A. Giuditta. b-actin and b-tubulin are components of a heterogeneous mRNA population present in the squid giant axon. Mol.Cell.Neurosci. 3:133-144, 1992.
60. M.Langella, L. Colarieti, M. V. Ambrosini, and A. Giuditta. The sequential hypothesis of sleep function. IV. A correlative analysis of sleep variables in learning and non learning rats. Physiol.Behav. 51:227-238, 1992.
61. M.V. Ambrosini, D. Bambagioni, G. Mariucci, L. Colarieti, and A. Giuditta. View 5: un programma per l’analisi spettrale dell’EEG. Riv.Neurobiol. 37:63-67, 1991.
62. A.Giuditta, E. Menichini, C. Perrone Capano, M. Langella, R. Martin, Castigli E., and B. B. Kaplan. Active polysomes in the axoplasm of the squid giant axon. J.Neurosc.Res. 26:18-28, 1991.
63. A.G. Sadile, A. Neugebauer, F. Morelli, Z. Horvàth, G. Buzsàki, and A. Giuditta. Distributed changes in rat brain DNA synthesis with long-term habituation and potentiation of the perforant path-granule cell synapse. Behav.Brain Res. 46:83-94, 1991.
64. M.V. Ambrosini, D. Bambagioni, L. Colarieti, G. Bruschelli, G. Mariucci, and A. Giuditta. Analisi spettrale dell’EEG del ratto nella veglia e nel sonno. Ann.Neurol.Psichiat. 84:247-258, 1990.
65. M.V. Ambrosini, D. Bambagioni, L. Colarieti, and A. Giuditta. Un metodo di registrazione ed analisi computerizzata del segnale EEG per lo studio del ciclo sonno-veglia. Riv.Neurobiol. 36:323-328, 1990.
66. A.Giuditta and M. V. Ambrosini. La funzione del sonno nello sviluppo del sistema nervoso. In: Attualità biofarmacologiche in neuropsichiatria infantile, edited by V. Rossolini, M. Burroni, P. Geronzi, R. Principi, and V. Stoppioni, Fano:Editrice Fortuna, 1990, p. 25-31.
67. A.Giuditta, E. Menichini, E. Castigli, and C. Perrone Capano. Protein synthesis in the axonal territory. In: Regulation of gene expression in the nervous system, edited by A. M. Giuffrida Stella, J. De Vellis, and J. R. Perez-Polo, New York:Wiley LissNew York, 1990, p. 205-218.
68. G.Grassi Zucconi, M. C. Crognale, M. A. Bassetti, and A. Giuditta. Environmental stimuli modulate the circadian rhythm of [3H- methyl] thymidine incorporation into brain DNA of male rats. Behav.Brain Res. 41:103-110, 1990.
69. R.Martin, K. Schilling, W. Fritz, and A. Giuditta. Visualization of differential neurofilament phosphorylation in the pre- and postsynaptic axoplasm of the squid giant synapse: an electron spectroscopic study. Neurosc. 37:553-562, 1990.
70. E.Menichini, E. Castigli, C. Perrone Capano, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Glial origin of axoplasmic polysomes in the squid giant axon. In: Functions of neuroglia, edited by L. Roitbak, Tbilisi:Nauk, 1990, p. 1-6.
71. E.Menichini, E. Castigli, B. B. Kaplan, and A. Giuditta. Synthesis of axoplasmic RNA particles in the isolated squid giant axon. Neurosc.Res.Commun. 7:89-96, 1990.
72. R.Martin, W. Fritz, and A. Giuditta. Visualization of polyribosomes in the postsynaptic area of the squid giant synapse by electron spectroscopic imaging. J.Neurocytol. 18:11-18, 1989.
73. M.V. Ambrosini, A. G. Sadile, U. A. Gironi Carnevale, M. Mattiaccio, and A. Giuditta. The sequential hypothesis on sleep function. II. A correlative study between sleep variables and newly synthesized brain DNA. Physiol.Behav. 43:339-350, 1988.
74. M.V. Ambrosini, A. G. Sadile, U. A. Gironi Carnevale, M. Mattiaccio, and A. Giuditta. The sequential hypothesis on sleep function. I. Evidence that the structure of sleep depends on the nature of the previous waking experience. Physiol.Behav. 43:325-337, 1988.
75. A.Giuditta, M. V. Ambrosini, and G. Grassi Zucconi. The developmental role of sleep: a new hypothesis. Comment.Pont.Acad.Scient. III-30:1-12, 1988.
76. G.Grassi Zucconi, E. Menichini, E. Castigli, and A. Giuditta. Brain DNA synthesis: circadian rhythmicity and relationship with the sleep-waking cycle. In: Sleep ’86, edited by W. P. Koella, F. Obàl, H. Schulz, and P. Visser, Stuttgart:Fischer Verlag, 1988, p. 323-325.
77. G.Grassi Zucconi, F. Carandente, E. Menichini, S. Belia, and A. Giuditta. Circadian rhythms of DNA content in brain and kidney: effects of environmental stimulation. Chronobiol. 15:195-204, 1988.
78. G.Grassi Zucconi, E. Menichini, E. Castigli, S. Belia, and A. Giuditta. Circadian oscillations of DNA synthesis in rat brain. Brain.Res. 447:253-261, 1988.
79. M.V. Rapallino, A. Cupello, and A. Giuditta. Axoplasmic RNA species synthesized in the isolated squid giant axon. Neurochem.Res. 13:625-631, 1988.
80. M.V. Ambrosini, M. Mattiaccio, A. Sadile, and A. Giuditta. Effetto dell’esperienza di veglia sul sonno sincronizzato ad essa successivo. Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper. 63:89-95, 1987.
81. A.Giuditta. Le virtù di Sherlock Holmes. Riv.Biol. 80:459-462, 1987.
82. C.Perrone Capano, A. Giuditta, E. Castigli, and B. B. Kaplan. Occurrence and sequence complexity of polyadenylated RNA in squid axoplasm. J.Neurochem. 49:698-704, 1987.
83. A.Giuditta, C. Perrone Capano, G. D’Onofrio, C. Toniatti, T. Menna, and H. Hydèn. Synthesis of rat brain DNA during acquisition of an appetitive task. Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav. 25:651-658, 1986.
84. A.Giuditta, T. Hunt, and L. Santella. Messenger RNA in squid axoplasm. Neurochem.Intern. 8:435-442, 1986.
85. A.Giuditta, T. Hunt, C. Perrone Capano, L. Santella, and B. B. Kaplan. Messenger RNA is present in the axoplasm of squid giant axons. In: Role of RNA and DNA in brain function: a molecular biological approach, edited by A. Giuditta, B. B. Kaplan, and C. Zomzely Neurath, Boston:Martinus Nijhoff, 1986, p. 42-56.
86. A.Giuditta, B. B. Kaplan, and C. Zomzely Neurath. Role of RNA and DNA in Brain Function: A Molecular Biological Approach, Boston:Martinus Nijhoff, 1986. 320 pages.
87. A.Giuditta, M. V. Ambrosini, F. Morelli, C. Perrone Capano, T. Menna, C. Buono, C. Lamberti, A. Cerbone, and A. Sadile. Role of DNA in brain information processing. In: Role of RNA and DNA in Brain Function: A Molecular Biological Approach, edited by A. Giuditta, B. B. Kaplan, and C. Zomzely Neurath, Boston:Martinus Nijhoff, 1986, p. 268-279.
88. A.Giuditta, F. Morelli, T. Menna, C. Buono, C. Perrone Capano, Ambrosini M.V., A. Cerbone, A. G. Sadile, M. V. Ambrosini, and A. Sadile. Involvement of brain DNA in learning and sleep. Adv.Biosci. 59:189-193, 1986.
89. G.Grassi Zucconi, S. Belia, E. Menichini, E. Castigli, and A. Giuditta. Paradoxical sleep deprivation of the mother enhances DNA synthesis in fetal rat brain: autoradiographic and biochemical evidence. Intern.J.Develop.Neurosc. 4:169-178, 1986.
90. B.B. Kaplan, A. E. Gioio, C. Perrone Capano, and A. Giuditta. A comparative study of the diversity of gene expression in brain. In: Role of RNA and DNA in brain function: a molecular biological approach, edited by A. Giuditta, B. B. Kaplan, and C. Zomzely Neurath, Boston:Martinus Nijhoff, 1986, p. 1-9.
91. V.Mares. DNA synthesis and cell number homeostasis in the brain. In: Role od RNA and DNA in brain function: a molecular biological approach, edited by A. Giuditta, B. B. Kaplan, and C. Zomzely Neurath, Boston:Martinus Nijhoff, 1986, p. 247-255.
92. C.Perrone Capano, A. E. Gioio, A. Giuditta, and B. B. Kaplan. Complexity of nuclear and polysomal RNA from squid optic lobes and gill. J.Neurochem. 46:1517-1521, 1986.
93. G.G. Zucconi, S. Belia, E. Menichini, E. Castigli, and A. Giuditta. Paradoxical sleep deprivation of the mother enhances DNA synthesis in fetal rat brain: autoradiographic and biochemical evidence. Int.J.Dev.Neurosci. 4:169-178, 1986.
94. M.V. Ambrosini, A. Giuditta, and P. Strocchi. Brain DNA synthesis during learning. Riv.Biol. 78:441-444, 1985.
95. A.Giuditta, M. V. Ambrosini, R. Scaroni, C. Chiurulla, and A. Sadile. Effect of sleep on cerebral DNA synthesized during shuttle-box avoidance training. Physiol.Behav. 34:769-778, 1985.
96. A.Giuditta. A sequential hypothesis for the function of sleep. In: Sleep ’84, edited by W. P. Koella, E. Ruther, and H. Schulz, Stuttgart:Fischer Verlag, 1985, p. 222-224.
97. A.Giuditta, C. Perrone Capano, and M. V. Ambrosini. Turnover of cerebral DNA in learning and sleep. In: Brain plasticity, learning and memory (Adv.Behav.Biol., vol. 28), edited by B. E. Will, P. Schmitt, and J. C. Dalrymple, New York:Plenum Press, 1985, p. 119-126.
98. M.V. Ambrosini, R. Scaroni, C. Chiurulla, and A. Giuditta. Effetto del sonno sul DNA cerebrale sintetizzato durante l’apprendimento. Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper. 60:595-601, 1984.
99. A.Giuditta, A. Neugebauer Vitale, G. Grassi Zucconi, M. V. Ambrosini, and R. Scaroni. Synthesis of brain RNA and DNA during sleep. Exper.Brain Res. 8 (suppl):595-601, 1984.
100. A.Giuditta, C. Perrone Capano, and G. Grassi Zucconi. The neurochemical study of sleep. In: Handbook of Neurochemistry, vol. 8, edited by A. Lajtha, New York:Plenum Press, 1984, p. 443-476.
101. G.Grassi Zucconi, S. Belia, F. Franciolini, E. Menichini, and A. Giuditta. Effect of paradoxical sleep deprivation on DNA synthesis in fetal rat brain. Intern.J.Develop.Neurosc. 2:585-590, 1984.
102. V.Cutillo, P. Montagnese, F. Gremo, L. Casola, and A. Giuditta. Origin of axoplasmic RNA in the squid giant fibre. Neurochem.Res. 8:1621-1634, 1983.
103. A.Giuditta, S. Metafora, M. Popoli, and C. Perrone Capano. Brain protein and DNA synthesis during seizures. Adv.Neurol. 34:289-295, 1983.
104. A.Giuditta. Role of DNA in brain activity. In: Handbook of Neurochemistry, edited by A. Lajtha, New York:Plenum Press, 1983, p. 251-276.
105. A.Giuditta, T. Hunt, and L. Santella. Messenger RNA in squid axoplasm. Biol.Bull. 165:526-526, 1983.
106. N.A. Ingoglia, A. Giuditta, M. F. Zanakis, A. Babigian, I. Tasaki, Chakraborty G., and J. Sturman. Incorporation of 3H-amino acids into proteins in a partially purified fraction of axoplasm: evidence for transfer RNA mediated, post-translational protein modification in squid giant axon. J.Neurosc. 3:2463-2473, 1983.
107. R.Scaroni, M. V. Ambrosini, G. B. Principato, F. Federici, G. Ambrosi, and A. Giuditta. Synthesis of brain DNA during acquisition of an active avoidance task. Physiol.Behav. 30:577-582, 1983.
108. A.Giuditta, S. Alemà, and P. Cimarra. Cephalopod brain-specific proteins. Scand.J.Immun. 15 (suppl 9):241-260, 1982.
109. A.Giuditta. Proposal of a “spiral” mechanism of evolution. Riv.Biol. 75:13-31, 1982.
110. A.Giuditta, S. Alemà, S. Metafora, V. Cutillo, P. Montagnese, A. Cupello, and M. V. Rapallino. Synthesis of axoplasmic RNA and protein in the giant axon of the squid. In: Macromolecules in the Functioning Cell, edited by A. A. Bayev, Moskow:Nauka, 1982, p. 137-147.
111. C.Perrone Capano, G. D’Onofrio, and A. Giuditta. DNA turnover in rat cerebral cortex. J.Neurochem. 38:52-56, 1982.
112. S.Balestrieri, G. D’Onofrio, and A. Giuditta. Deprivation of paradoxical sleep. Effect on weight and nucleic acid content of liver and brain. Neurochem.Res. 5:1251-1264, 1980.
113. A.D’Aniello and A. Giuditta. Presence of D-alanine in crustacean muscle and hepatopancreas. Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 66B:319-322, 1980.
114. B.De Marianis and A. Giuditta. Neurobiologia. Il flusso assoplasmatico, Padova:Piccin, 1980. 31 pages.
115. A.Giuditta, B. Rutigliano, and A. Vitale. Influence of synchronized sleep on the biosynthesis of RNA in two nuclear classes isolated from rabbit cerebral cortex. J.Neurochem. 35:1259-1266, 1980.
116. A.Giuditta, A. Cupello, and G. Lazzarini. Ribosomal RNA in the axoplasm of the squid giant axon. J.Neurochem. 34:1757-1760, 1980.
117. A.Giuditta. Origin of axoplasmic proteins in the giant axon of the squid. Riv.Biol. 73:35-49, 1980.
118. A.Giuditta, B. Rutigliano, and A. Vitale Neugebauer. Influence of synchronized sleep on the biosynthesis of RNA in neuronal and mixed fractions isolated from rabbit cerebral cortex. J.Neurochem. 35:1267-1272, 1980.
119. M.Popoli and A. Giuditta. Effect of electroconvulsive shock on polysomes of rabbit brain, liver and kidney. J.Neurochem. 35:1319-1322, 1980.
120. F.Belmonte, A. Cupello, G. Lazzarini, and A. Giuditta. Electrophoretic characterization of ribosomal RNA in the squid. Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 63B:373-377, 1979.
121. M.Brunetti, A. Giuditta, and G. Porcellati. The synthesis of choline phosphoglycerides in the giant fibre system of the squid. J.Neurochem. 32:319-324, 1979.
122. P.Cimarra and A. Giuditta. Axonal transport of a brain-specific protein in the optic fibres of Octopus vulgaris. J.Neurochem. 33:793-795, 1979.
123. P.Cimarra and A. Giuditta. Axonal transport of protein in the optic nerve of Octopus vulgaris. J.Neurochem. 33:787-792, 1979.
124. P.Cimarra and A. Giuditta. Identification of a group of octopus brain proteins as histones. J.Neurochem. 32:1279-1286, 1979.
125. B.De Marianis, E. Olmo, and A. Giuditta. Excess DNA in the nuclei of the subesophageal region of octopus brain. J.Comp.Neurol. 186:293-300, 1979.
126. T.Eremenko, P. Cimarra, A. Giuditta, and P. Volpe. Synthesis and methylation of proteins during the HeLa cell cycle. Rend.Acc.Naz.Lincei 66:153-163, 1979.
127. S.Alemà, P. Calissano, and A. Giuditta. Studies on a calcium binding brain specific protein from the nervous system of cephalopods. In: Calcium binding proteins, edited by W. Drabikowski, H. Strzelekta-Golaszewska, and E. Carafoli, Amsterdam:Elsevier, 1978, p. 739-749.
128. A.D’Aniello and A. Giuditta. Presence of D-aspartate in squid axoplasm and in other regions of the cephalopod nervous system. J.Neurochem. 31:1107-1108, 1978.
129. B.De Marianis and A. Giuditta. Separation of nuclei with different DNA content from the subesophageal lobe of octopus brain. Brain.Res. 154:134-136, 1978.
130. A.Giuditta, P. Abrescia, and B. Rutigliano. Effect of electroshock on thymidine incorporation into rat brain DNA. J.Neurochem. 31:983-987, 1978.
131. A.D’Aniello and A. Giuditta. Identification of D-aspartic acid in the brain of Octopus vulgaris, Lam. J.Neurochem. 29:1053-1057, 1977.
132. A.Giuditta, B. Rutigliano, A. Vitale Neugebauer, and R. Traverso. Biosynthesis of RNA in rabbit cerebral cortex during periods of synchronized sleep and wakefulness. In: Neurobiology of sleep and memory, edited by R. R. Drucker Colin and J. L. McGaugh, New York:Academic Press, 1977, p. 295-302.
133. A.Giuditta, B. W. Moore, and N. Prozzo. A brain-specific protein from Octopus vulgaris Lam. J.Neurochem. 29:235-244, 1977.
134. A.Giuditta, S. Metafora, A. Felsani, and A. Del Rio. Factors for protein synthesis in the axoplasm of squid giant axons. J.Neurochem. 28:1393-1395, 1977.
135. A.Giuditta. The biochemistry of sleep. In: Biochemical correlates of sleep structure and function, edited by A. N. Davidson, New York:Academic Press, 1977, p. 293-337.
136. S.Metafora, M. Persico, A. Felsani, R. Ferraiuolo, and A. Giuditta. On the mechanism of the electroshock-induced inhibition of protein synthesis in rabbit cerebral cortex. J.Neurochem. 28:1335-1346, 1977.
137. S.Alemà and A. Giuditta. Site of biosynthesis of brain-specific proteins in the giant fibre system of the squid. J.Neurochem. 26:995-999, 1976.
138. A.Giuditta, B. Rutigliano, R. Traverso, and A. Vitale Neugebauer. Biosynthesis of RNA in rabbit cortex during sleep and wakefulness. In: Sleep 1974, edited by P. Levin and W. P. Koella, Basel:Karger,S., 1975, p. 326-328.
139. A.Giuditta, P. Cimarra, and N. Prozzo. Protein patterns in different lobes and during development of octopus brain. J.Neurochem. 24:1131-1133, 1975.
140. I.M. Pepe, A. Giuditta, and P. Cimara. Inhibition of neuronal protein synthesis in the giant fibre system of the squid by a high potassium concentration. J.Neurochem. 24:1271-1273, 1975.
141. N.Prozzo and A. Giuditta. Protein patterns in different regions of octopus brain. Pubbl.Staz.Zool.Napoli 39:145-149, 1975.
142. S.Alemà, P. Calissano, and A. Giuditta. Studies on a calcium binding, brain specific protein from the nervous system of cephalopods. In: Calcium Binding Proteins, edited by W. Drabikowski, H. Strzelecka-Golaszewska, and E. Carafoli, Amsterdam:Elsevier, 1974, p. 739-749.
143. A.Dunn, A. Giuditta, J. E. Wilson, and E. Glassman. The effect of electroshock on brain RNA and protein synthesis and its possible relationship to behavioral effects. In: Psychobiology of convulsive therapy, edited by M. Fink, J. L. McGaugh, S. Kety, and T. A. Williams, Washington, D.C.:Winstons W.H. and sons, 1974, p. 185-197.
144. A.Giuditta and N. Prozzo. Postembryonic growth of the optic lobe of Octopus vulgaris Lam. J.Comp.Neurol. 157:109-116, 1974.
145. A.Giuditta. Trasporto di macromolecole nelle cellule nervose. Sapere (gennaio):40-44, 1974.
146. S.Alemà, P. Calissano, G. Rusca, and A. Giuditta. Identification of a calcium-binding, brain specific protein in the axoplasm of squid giant axons. J.Neurochem. 20:681-689, 1973.
147. A.Dunn, A. Giuditta, J. E. Wilson, and E. Glassman. The effect of electroshock on brain RNA and protein synthesis and its possible relationship to behavioral effects.Anonymous 1973, p. 185-197.
148. A.Giuditta. Functional aspects of nucleic acid metabolism in brain. In: Central Nervous System – Studies on Metabolic Regulation and Function, edited by E. Genazzani and H. Herken, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 1973, p. 69-77.
149. A.Giuditta. Biosintesi degli acidi nucleici nel sistema nervoso: implicazioni funzionali. In: Seminari Biologici della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia,Anonymous Milano:Vita e Pensiero, 1973, p. 11-20.
150. N.Prozzo and A. Giuditta. Protein synthesis in the brain of Octopus vulgaris Lam. J.Neurochem. 21:1327-1336, 1973.
151. A.Giuditta, B. Rutigliano, L. Casola, and M. Romano. Biosynthesis of RNA in two nuclear classes separated frm rat cerebral cortex. Brain.Res. 46:313-328, 1972.
152. A.Giuditta. The squid giant axon: a simple system for the study of macromolecular synthesis in neuronal fibres. In: Biology and Radiobiology of Anucleate Systems: Bacteria and Animal Cells,Anonymous New York:Academic Press, 1972, p. 117-123.
153. M.Libonati, G. Liguori, and A. Giuditta. DNA polymerase activity from the brain of Octopus vulgaris Lam. J.Neurochem. 19:1959-1965, 1972.
154. A.Dunn, A. Giuditta, and N. Pagliuca. The effect of electroconvulsive shock on protein synthesis in mouse brain. J.Neurochem. 18:2093-2099, 1971.
155. A.Dunn and A. Giuditta. A long-term effect of electroconvulsive shock on the metabolism of glucose in mouse brain. Brain.Res. 27:418-421, 1971.
156. A.Giuditta, B. D’Udine, and I. M. Pepe. Uptake of 125I-albumin by the giant axon of the squid. In: Informative Molecules in Biological Systems, edited by L. G. H. Ledoux,North-Holland Publ. Co., 1971, p. 302-309.
157. A.Giuditta. Aspetti biochimici della memoria. Anonymous. Anonymous. Catanzaro:La Tipomeccanica. (None Specified) :1-13, 1971.
158. A.Giuditta, B. D’Udine, and M. Pepe. Uptake of protein by the giant axon of the squid. Nature 229:29-30, 1971.
159. A.Giuditta. Discussion of papers of Davison, Koenig, and Hyden.Anonymous 1971, p. 339-347.
160. A.Giuditta. Role of nucleic acids in brain development. In: Chemistry and Brain Development, edited by R. Paoletti and A. N. Davison, New York:Plenum Press, 1971, p. 15-29.
161. A.Giuditta, M. Libonati, A. Packard, and N. Prozzo. Nuclear counts in the brain lobes of Octopus vulgaris as a function of body size. Brain.Res. 25:55-62, 1971.
162. C.Gurgo, B. Rutigliano, N. Pagliuca, and A. Giuditta. An ATP-incorporating system from rat brain. I.Solubilization and requirements. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 198:31-44, 1970.
163. A.Vitale Neugebauer, A. Giuditta, B. Vitale, and S. Giaquinto. Pattern of RNA synthesis in rabbit cortex during sleep. J.Neurochem. 17:1263-1273, 1970.
164. A.Giuditta. Ricerca integrata nel campo della neurobiologia. Ann.Ist.Sup.Sanità 5:291-296, 1969.
165. A.Giuditta. Biosintesi e funzione dell’RNA cerebrale. Acta.Neurobiol. 23:511-528, 1968.
166. A.Giuditta, W. D. Dettbarn, and M. Brzin. Protein synthesis in the isolated giant axon of the squid. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 59:1284-1287, 1968.
167. C.Vesco and A. Giuditta. Disaggregation of brain polysomes induced by electroconvulsive treatment. J.Neurochem. 15:81-85, 1968.
168. E.Aloj and A. Giuditta. Soluble NADH and NADPH dehydrogenases in the optic lobe of Sepia officinalis. I.Dicumarol-sensitive enzymes. J.Neurochem. 14:955-965, 1967.
169. G.Di Prisco, L. Casola, and A. Giuditta. Purification and properties of a soluble reduced nicotinamide- adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) dehydrogenase from the hepatopancreas of Octopus vulgaris. Biochem.J. 105:455-460, 1967.
170. A.Giuditta and E. Aloj. Soluble NADH and NADPH dehydrogenases in the optic lobes of Sepia officinalis II.Dicumarol insensitive enzymes. J.Neurochem. 14:967-975, 1967.
171. A.Giuditta and P. Volpe. Studies on an unkown compound from ox brain. I.Isolation and analysis. J.Neurochem. 14:627-635, 1967.
172. A.Giuditta. Rapidly labelled RNA and RNA-containing particles in rabbit brain. In: Macromolecules and the Function of the Neuron,Anonymous Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1967, p. 182-186.
173. C.Vesco and A. Giuditta. Pattern of RNA synthesis in rabbit brain. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 142:385-402, 1967.
174. P.Volpe and A. Giuditta. Biosynthesis of RNA in neuron- and glia-enriched fraction. Brain Res. 6:228-240, 1967.
175. P.Volpe and A. Giuditta. Kinetics of RNA labelling in fractions enriched with neuroglia and neurons. Nature 216:154-154, 1967.
176. P.Volpe and A. Giuditta. Studies on an unkown compound from ox brain. II.Separation into several components. J.Neurochem. 14:637-646, 1967.
177. A.Giuditta. Mechanism of some flavin-photosensitized reactions. In: Flavins and Flavoproteins, edited by E. C. Slater, Amsterdam:Elsevier, 1966, p. 33-282.
178. C.Vesco and A. Giuditta. Tetrazolium reductase activity of the enzymatic system of oxidation of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides in mammalian brain. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 113:197-215, 1966.
179. A.Giuditta and E. Aloj. Pathways of oxidation of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides in the centralnervous system of marine animals. J.Neurochem. 12:567-579, 1965.
180. A.Giuditta and A. Vitale Neugebauer. Effect of barbiturates on the non-enzymatic oxidation of reduced nicotiamide adenine dinucleotide catalyzed by flavins. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 110:32-41, 1965.
181. A.Giuditta and L. Casola. Mechanism of barbiturate inhibition on purified flavoenzymes. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 110:17-31, 1965.
182. E.Aloj and A. Giuditta. Oxidation of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides in the central nervous system of some marine invertebrates. Nature 202:494-495, 1964.
183. L.Casola, A. Giuditta, and E. Rocca. Barbiturate inhibition of D-aspartate oxidoreductase: mechanism of action and structural requirements. Arch.Biochem.Biophys. 107:57-61, 1964.
184. A.Giuditta. Pathways of oxidation of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides in cerebral tissue. Arch.Ital.Biol. 102:713-741, 1964.
185. A.Giuditta and G. Di Prisco. The inhibition of cerebral NAD(P)H: (acceptor) oxidoreductase by barbiturates and nervous depressants: relationship with chemical structure. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 77:394-407, 1963.
186. A.Giuditta and H. J. Strecker. Brain NADH-tetrazolium reductase activity, lipoamide dehydrogenase and activating lipids. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 67:316-318, 1963.
187. A.Giuditta and H. J. Strecker. Mechanism of inhibition of two purified brain diaphorases by amytal. Nature 193:979-980, 1962.
188. A.Giuditta. The inhibition of a brain diaphorase by some hypnotics and nervous depressants. J.Neurochem. 9:329-334, 1962.
189. A.Giuditta and H. J. Strecker. Purification and some properties of a brain diaphorase. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 48:10-19, 1961.
190. A.Giuditta and H. J. Strecker. Purification and some properties of a brain diaphorase. Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 2:159-163, 1960.
191. W.Levine, A. Giuditta, S. Englard, and H. J. Strecker. Brain diaphorases. J.Neurochem. 6:28-36, 1960.
192. H.J. Strecker and A. Giuditta. Some possible regulatory components of electron transport in brain mitochondria. In: Inhibition in the Nervous System and gamma-aminobutyrric acid,Anonymous Oxford:Pergamon Press, 1960, p. 189-192.
193. A.Giuditta and T. P. Singer. Studies on succinic dehydrogenase. XI.Inactivation by cyanide and its mechanism. J.Biol.Chem. 234:666-671, 1959.
194. A.Giuditta and H. J. Strecker. Alternate pathways of pyridine nucleotide oxidation in cerebral tissue. J.Neurochem. 5:50-61, 1959.
195. A.Giuditta and T. P. Singer. Studies on succinic dehydrogenase. X.Reactivity with electron carriers in respiratory chain preparations from heart. J.Biol.Chem. 234:662-665, 1959.
196. E.Petrushka and A. Giuditta. Electron microscopy of two subcellular fractions isolated from cerebral cortex homogenate. J.Biophys.Biochem.Cytol. 6:129-132, 1959.
197. A.Ghiretti Magaldi, A. Giuditta, and F. Ghiretti. Pathways of terminal respiration in marine invertebrates. I.The respiratory system in cephalopods. J.Cell.Comp.Physiol. 52:389-430, 1958.
198. M.G. P. J. Warringa and A. Giuditta. Studies on succinic dehydrogenase. IX.Characterization of the enzyme from Micrococcus lactilyticus. J.Biol.Chem. 230:111-123, 1958.
199. M.G. P. J. Warringa, O. H. Smith, A. Giuditta, and T. P. Singer. Studies on succinic dehydrogenase. VIII.Isolation of a succinic dehydrogenase-fumaric reductase from an obbligate anaerobe. J.Biol.Chem. 230:97-109, 1958.
200. A.Ghiretti Magaldi, A. Giuditta, and F. Ghiretti. Contenuto di flavine e sensibilità al cianuro e all’ossido di carbonio dei tessuti di Octopus vulgaris (Lam). Rend.Acc.Naz.Lincei 22:667-673, 1957.
201. A.Ghiretti Magaldi, A. Giuditta, and F. Ghiretti. A study of the cytochromes of Octopus vulgaris Lam. Biochem.J. 66:303-307, 1957.
202. A.Ghiretti Magaldi, A. Giuditta, and F. Ghiretti. Il sistema fenolasi-chinone reduttasi dei cefalopodi. Rend.Acc.Naz.Lincei 23:73-77, 1957.
203. A.Ghiretti Magaldi, A. Giuditta, and F. Ghiretti. I citocromi dei cefalopodi. Rend.Acc.Naz.Lincei 22:753-760, 1957.
204. A.Giuditta. Sulla distribuzione del Fe e del Cu nelle diverse frazioni cellulari del fegato di Octopus vulgaris. Anonymous. Anonymous. Tesi sperimentale :1-58, 1955.